Partners & Contributors


This project was born from the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP), and implemented through the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). All employee salary and operational costs were funded by PESP. 

The JRS Biodiversity Foundation kindly provided funding for the coordinator's salary and the development of the survey at the trainers' workshop.

The French Development Agency (AFD) funded an applied research project entitled "Enabling agro-ecological wildlife economies that sustain people and planet" (2022-2024) to develop knowledge products.

Implementing partners

The project implementing team was put together to encompass the science-policy-practitioner spheres. 

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) is the primary project coordinator and is mandated to curate national biodiversity datasets for policy decision-making. 

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) provides the in-field experience and knowledge of sustainable land management and agro-ecological systems thinking. 

Rhodes and Stellenbosch Universities provide the research and analytical power and will lead the development of scientific products and tools that support the policy priorities of the government partners. Nelson Mandela University will support long-term capacity development and field work. 

Industry partners

The project is kindly supported by industry partners. These partners helpto mobilise support for the survey and to connect the research teams with the landowners. 

Institutional support in Eastern Cape

The project was supported by a number of provincial stakeholder structures who raised awareness about the project.  Provincial governmental agencies provided in-kind support and faciliated the surveys of state protected areas.